Java - Creating an MS Excel File using Jakarta POI api

	import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
	import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
	import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
	import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;

	 * @author dhanoopbhaskar
	public class CreateXLFile {
	    HSSFWorkbook xlWorkbook = null;
	    HSSFSheet xlSheet = null;
	    HSSFRow xlRow = null;
	    HSSFCell xlCell = null;
	    FileOutputStream xlFileOutputStream = null;
	    public CreateXLFile() {
	         * creating a new MS Excel work book
	        xlWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
	         * creating a new sheet named "my first sheet" in the above created
	         * work book
	        xlSheet = xlWorkbook.createSheet("my first sheet");
	         * creating a new row at index 0 in the new sheet
	        xlRow = xlSheet.createRow(0);
	         * creating a new cell/column in the row 0
	         * the index required is of type short and so it has been type casted
	         * to short
	        xlCell = xlRow.createCell((short) 0);
	         * setting the type of data that can be accommodated in the cell
	         * CELL_TYPE_STRING is a public static final int variable in the class
	         * HSSFCell.
	         * setting the content of the cell as "The Insane Techie"
	        xlCell.setCellValue("The Insane Techie");
	         * The so created instance of HSSFWorkbook is converted to a file using
	         * the method write() in HSSFWorkbook.class passing the file output stream
	         * of the file as the parameter.
	        try {
	            xlFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("myexcelfile.xls");           
	             * Note: I couldn't find the need to flush and close the stream,
	             * that we usually do. So it can be concluded that the API provider
	             * performs the task already.
	             * xlFileOutputStream.flush();
	             * xlFileOutputStream.close();
	            System.out.println("Your First Excel File has been successfully created!");
	        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
	        } catch (IOException ex) {
	    public static void main(String[] args) {
	        new CreateXLFile();

NB: To compile and run the above program you need to download the jakarta-poi api. You can download from here…